Home Insurance

Storm Damage: What Now?

Storms are called natural disasters for a reason. If you’ve experienced a catastrophic event, you know how stressful recovery can be, both physically and financially. Let us be a resource for you as you figure out your next steps.

If Your Home is Damaged . . .

  • Take pictures of as much damage as you can for documentation for the adjuster, documenting with video when you can. At the very least, make a written list of all belongings; it is very difficult to recall from memory all your personal belongings, especially in times of crisis.
  • If there is a partial loss or significant damage, try to cover as much as possible to prevent further damage – only if the area is safe.
  • Notify your insurance agent of your claim as quickly as possible.
  • When contacting a contractor, find out as much information about them prior to signing an agreement. The carriers may also have a list of approved contractors, don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Discuss additional living expenses with your adjuster. If your home is uninhabitable, the insurance company could provide living expenses up to the limits of the policy, or an advance to pay for repairs to begin.
  • Discuss with adjuster any trees that are blocking access to the home, as well as damage to adjacent structures like retaining walls, garages, pools, etc.
  • Rely on your insurance agent. In a catastrophic situation, when resources are often strained, your agent can make sure you get the attention you need.

If Your Car is Damaged . . .

  • Take photos and/or video of all the damage. Be aware of broken glass or any other damage that could be harmful during your inspection.
  • Notify your insurance agent of your claim as quickly as possible.
  • If the vehicle is not operable, have a repair shop in mind that you want to use. Alternatively, you can ask your adjuster for an approved shop.
  • The shop can organize towing between the vehicle’s location and the repair shop of your choice.
  • Be aware of your deductible. If there is damage to both your home and automobile, ask your adjuster if there will be one deductible only.
  • Rely on your insurance agent. They are here to help you get the attention you need.
  • From the moment you lose use of your car, keep receipts for any items you purchased, including food, clothing, transportation expenses, or temporary lodging. Keep a record of these and provide to the adjuster.

If Your Business is Damaged . . .

  • Notify your insurance agent of your claim as quickly as possible.
  • Use caution when entering your impacted business premises due to risks surrounding structural, gas, and electrical exposures.
  • Take photos and/or video of all the damage.
  • Contact a restoration company to begin the cleanup process. Your insurance agent can provide assistance with reputable providers.
  • Notify your employees of revised work schedules.
  • Expect contact from your insurance adjuster within 48 hours.
  • Keep all receipts connected with clean up and repair to submit to the insurance adjuster.

No matter what the damage is, we are here to help. Give us a call at 1.800.356.4282 with questions or for help filing claim.


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