Identity Theft Protection

How Zander’s ID Theft Protection Plan Compares to LifeLock

We often get the question, “How does Zander Insurance’s ID theft plan compare to LifeLock?” Although they may appear to be similar upon the initial comparison, there are several key differences between our programs. Perhaps Zander’s biggest differentiators are our commitment to the best prices possible, our continued effort to provide the exceptional service, and increasing value for our members. When Dave Ramsey helped Zander develop our ID theft program to meet the needs of his listeners, we committed ourselves to a higher standard.

Over the years, LifeLock has been involved in several class-action lawsuits and mishaps with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for false and misleading advertising. They got themselves into hot water by claiming their product could prevent ID theft, which resulted in a $12 million dollar fine from the FTC. Not only did they violate standards set forth by the FTC, but they created a false sense of hope and trust with their members which, in our opinion, is more damaging.

Because we know ID theft can’t be prevented, we choose to focus our efforts on restoration. This follows Dave’s opinion that the true threat associated with ID theft is the time and effort it takes to clean up the mess. We take over the work to restore your identity to the pre-theft status and offer $1 million in restoration and stolen funds reimbursement. With Zander, you can have peace of mind knowing someone is going to work for you if your personal information is ever compromised or stolen.

Since the beginning of our ID theft program, we have committed ourselves to constantly looking for new ways to bring value to our members, without driving up costs. We’ve added benefits related to stolen bank funds protection as well as monitoring services, free child protection, and lost wallet assistance – all without having to increase the price of membership. Even with these added benefits, our product is more affordable than any individual or family plan offered by our competitors. Our family plan includes up to 10 dependents through age 18, whereas LifeLock charges an additional fee per child, through a “junior” version of their product. This added fee is a perfect example of when more coverage doesn’t necessarily mean better protection. At Zander, we believe in finding the most cost-effective solution for our members, allowing them to focus their savings on other important financial priorities.

LifeLock and Zander’s products may be similar on paper, but our commitment to constantly improving our offerings for our members sets Zander apart from our competitors. Where LifeLock drives up cost and coverage to boost revenues, Zander is committed to bringing the most value through a concerted focus on protection, prevention and affordable pricing.


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